Thillaisthanam = thiru nei thanam which means the place where the lord prefers ghee, is a small village on the northern banks of cauvery river about 2 kms to the west of thiruvaiyaru in thanjavur district. about 15 kms from thanjavur old bus stand.
it is the last temple in the saptha sthanam heritage and is 15 kms from kallanai aka grand anaicut , the 3rd oldest dam in the history of the planet.
Nearby Town : thanjavur
Railway Station : thanjavur
Contact Details : 04362 260553
a medium sized temple beautifully located on the main road itself next to cauvery. dakshinamoorthy is in standing posture. the outer precinct is covered with coconut trees and is a pleasure to watch. overall architecture and layout can be seen from the photos in the photos section below.
worshipped by saraswathi , kamadhenu and gowthama rishi. one of the 278 thevaram temples.
thiru – nei – thaanam
according to the temple legend , a cow was pouring its milk at a specific place each day invoking the attention of the shepherd one day. the milk would turn to ghee owing to the heat. when the shepherd tried to follow the cow to the place , it magically disappeared.
when the place was investigated , a shiva lingam was found . seeing this, the king raised a temple here and lord became known as neiyadiyappar in tamir meaning the lord that loved ghee. the cow was none other than kamadenu, the divine cow.
do not abuse the temple property
an old man used to pluck keerai leaves from the temple compound everyday and used it to buy oil for lighting the temple vilakku ( lamp ).as he was aging the old man sought the mercy of god.
god said that he did that using the spinach leaves plucked inside the temple property as a wage and could not be given salvation. the moral being do not abuse the temple property.
thevara padal petra sthalam
thillaisthanam is the 52nd padal petra sthalam in the thevaram temple list. it is categorized as a temple belonging to cauvery north bank.
in thamir , the god is called neyyadiyappar, meaning the god that loves ghee. ghee abishekam is performed each day followed by hot water.
thirunavukkarasar and gnana sambandhar sung songs in praise of the god here. so we can assume the temple existed even before 6th century a.d.
saptha sthaanam
one of the 7 sapthasthana temples. sapthasthanam means 7 places where shiva himself took out nandhi and his wife on a marriage procession after he performed nandhi’s marriage in thirumazhapadi. this festival is a grand festival that is performed on the chitra month visakam natchathram.
other temples which form the saptha sthanam heritage are thiruppoondhuruthi , thiruvedhikudi , thiruvaiyaru , thirupparanam , thiruchchotruthurai and kandiyur .